[https://fit-iot.com/web/products/fitlet2/fitlet2-specifications/ fitlet2] comes with LinuxMint preinstalled, but I prefer Debian. The choice of a desktop environment and an Internet server on the targetserver allow remote browsing via ssh. [https://wiki.debian.org/WebServers Debian recommends]
sudo tasksel
and then select ''Debian desktop environment'' (plus the choice of desktop) and ''web server''. This installs apache2 and whatever else it needs as the default Web Server.<syntaxhighlight lang="shell">
sudo apt update
sudo apt install mediawiki
sudo apt install mediawiki
</syntaxhighlight>installs, as I recall, all thats need to run mediawiki on localhost.▼
▲installs as I recall all thats need to run mediawiki on localhost.